Sarcogyne hypophaea (Nyl.) Arnold

Sarcogyne hypophaea was known in the literature under the misapplied name S. privigna. It has an endolithic thallus and mature lecideine apothecia with an angular margin divided into segments. Immature apothecia can have an undivided margin and usually are found with mature specimens.

The species occurs in Antarctica, Asia, Europe, and North America. It grows at a variety of elevations in a variety of habitats from deserts to the Alps in full sun. Sarcogyne hypophaea usually occurs on siliceous rock but can also grow on calcareous rock or even concrete. It is infrequent in Czech Republic and has usually been collected at lower elevations below 700 m but could occur at higher elevations especially on exposed vertical surfaces and outcrops.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Acarosporales Acarosporaceae Sarcogyne

most frequented synonyms:Sarcogyne privigna auct.

Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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