Cladonia squamosa var. subsquamosa (Nyl. ex Leight.) Vain.

A chemotype of C. squamosa with thamnolic and barbatic acids (K+ yellow and Pd+ yellow-orange). It used to be recorded as a separate species C. subsquamosa in the past, but the name is invalid. The taxonomic distinction of the two species requires further studies (Ahti & Stenroos 2013). This variety, however, has a strong preference for oceanic areas and is generally more robust. Otherwise, the two taxa are ecologically similar. In the Czech Republic, var. subsquamosa is rare, recently only known from a couple of localities.

Literature: Ahti T. & Stenroos S. (2013): Cladoniaceae. – In: Ahti T., Stenroos S. & Moberg R. [eds], Nordic Lichen Flora 5: 87–89.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Cladoniaceae Cladonia Cladonia squamosa

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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