Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic (version 1.1)

The latest official version of the Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic from 2010 includes 1526 species. Of these, 110 species (7.2%) have not been evaluated (NE category), 340 species (22.3%) belong to the data deficient (DD) category and 138 species (9%) have been categorised as extinct. 136 species (8.9%) were classified as critically endangered, 186 species (12.2%) as endangered and 247 species (16.2%) as vulnerable. Additions to this list have been published in three papers: Steinová et al. (2015), Malíček et al. (2018) and Vondrák & Kubásek (2019). The Atlas of Czech lichens considers the original Red list (Liška & Palice 2010) and the above-mentioned sources. For species considered extinct and later rediscovered in our territory, the categorization has been changed from RE (extinct) to CR (critically endangered) in most cases.

Recommended citation: Liška J. & Palice Z. (2010): Liška J. & Palice Z. (2010): Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic (version 1.1). – Příroda 29: 3–66.

Additions: Malíček J., Bouda F., Kocourková J., Palice Z. & Peksa O. (2018): Zajímavé nálezy zástupců rodu Lecanora v České republice. – Bryonora 62: 24–39. Steinová J., Bouda F., Malíček J., Palice Z., Peksa O., Svoboda D. & Vondrák J. (2015): Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologickým preferencím zástupců skupiny Cladonia coccifera v České republice. – Bryonora 55: 4–19. Vondrák J. & Kubásek J. (2019): Epiphytic and epixylic lichens in forests of the Šumava mountains in the Czech Republic; abundance and frequency assessments. – Biologia 74: 405–418.

Red list of lichens of the Czech Republic according to DaLiBor for 2023

Jiří Malíček

This Red List works primarily with data stored in the DaLiBor database (dalibor.ibot­, which currently contains most of the available occurrence data from the Czech Republic for the last 50 years. Secondary data from Zdeněk Palice's herbarium are also included. The threat categories are primarily based on the rarity of lichens, which is assessed by the number of occupied quadrants (about 6 × 6 km in size). We also have site counts, but these are highly biased, for example because of repeated data at the same site or inconsistent site size delineation. Data considered to be verified (green in maps) were primarily assessed. If unverified (grey) data are also available and the species is easily recognisable, their number was also considered. Only data from the last 25 years (period 1998–2022) were used for categorisation. Threat categories are also evaluated to some non-lichenized species or taxa considered to be semi-lichens, which are part of the Atlas of Czech lichens. These are several dozens of species.

The use of quadrants has led in some cases to the assignment of locally very abundant species to one of the threat categories. Typical examples are species on limestones and some other substrates or habitats that are limited in area in the Czech Republic. In these obvious cases, the threat category has been downgraded by one level. Saxicolous lichens have also been more critically evaluated, for which there is significantly less recent data in the database than for epiphytic and lignicolous lichens. The latter have been studied much more intensively during the period under evaluation. On the other hand, the population trend of the taxon in our territory was rarely considered. For a large number of species, we do not have enough data for an objective evaluation, so the weight of this (here) subjective parameter was very limited.

The Red List of vascular plants (Procházka et al. 2001) served as inspiration for the naming of the threat categories (A, C1–C3). The categories could otherwise be confused with the latest official version of the Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic (Liška & Palice 2010). The threat categories used here and the criteria for their assignment are as follows:

A = species without recent data. In most cases, lichens are extinct or probably extinct. However, some taxa were reported in the 1990s and almost certainly still occur in our area.

C1 = critically endangered species. Usually 1–5 occupied quadrants.

C2 = strongly endangered species. Usually 6–10 occupied quadrants.

C3 = endangered species. Usually 11–30 occupied quadrants.

DD = data deficient. Taxa with 1–30 occupied quadrants, but which we cannot reliably assess. Typically, these are taxonomically difficult and often undifferentiated species, species recently described or found in the Czech Republic only in recent years, species with unverified data, and partially overlooked species.

NE = not evaluated. Species taxonomically unclear or not reliably documented from the Czech Republic. In the vast majority of cases these are species not recently reported.

Species (relatively) abundant remain without a category.

A total of 1776 species are included in this list. Of this number, 92 taxa have not been assessed (category NE; 5.2%). 253 species (14.2%) have not been categorised due to lack of data (DD). A total of 171 species (9.6%) have not been recorded in the Czech Republic in the last 25 years (A). 424 species (23.9%) were classified as critically endangered (C1), 152 species (8.6%) as strongly endangered (C2) and 272 species (15.3%) as endangered (C3). 412 species (23.2%) remain uncategorized and are considered (relatively) abundant.

The red list is available for download here .

Suggested citation: Malíček J. (2023): Red list of lichens of the Czech Republic according to DaLiBor for 2023. – [25. 03. 2025].

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