Alyxoria varia (Pers.) Ertz & Tehler

Alyxoria varia usually grows on a subneutral bark of various deciduous trees. Often, it passes from bark to woody parts of the trunk or snags (especially beech ones). It occurs in forests (mainly in the natural and old ones) or on old trees in avenues. Besides, also saxicolous forms have been reported from both natural and anthropogenic calcareous substrates, typically from vertical and overhanging rocks and from rock or wall crevices. Despite its relatively high sensitivity to substrate acidification and eutrophication, it is widespread in the Czech Republic. However, in some parts of the country it is relatively rare and in regions with intensive agriculture it is even absent. In Europe, Alyxoria varia represents a common species. Its general distribution is probably cosmopolitan.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Arthoniomycetes Arthoniales Lecanographaceae Alyxoria

most frequented synonyms:Opegrapha varia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):NT – near threatened

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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