Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid.

Amandinea punctata is currently one of the most abundant ubiquitous lichens in the Czech Republic. It is a typically nitrophilous species that grows on various types of substrates. Most often it is recorded as an epiphyte on solitary woody plants in urbanised or agricultural areas and on tree branches in forests. It prefers deciduous trees, rarely it may be seen also on old firs (in old-growth forests). In eutrophic sites, it can commonly occur on conifers or deciduous trees with acidic bark. Because of its wide ecological amplitude, it is also an abundant saxicolous species – it grows on smaller stones within pioneer lichen communities, or on some types of scree, such as volcanic rocks. It is also often found on wood.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Caliciales Caliciaceae Amandinea

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

All records: 1363, confirmed 878. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).


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Distribution Timeline

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