Aspicilia coronata (A. Massal.) Anzi

An inconspicuous member of the genus with a very thin epilithic thallus and fruiting bodies immersed in the substrate. It grows on limestones and dolomites. In Europe, it is distributed primarily in the southern part of the continent. It has been collected by J. Suza in 1913 from a single locality in the Czech Republic, from Šemberovy skály in Hády near Brno (Suza 1919). Its current occurrence at this locality is very inprobable because the rocks are shaded by a forest now.

Literature: Suza J. (1919): Třetí příspěvek k lichenologii Moravy. – Časopis Moravského muzea zemského 17–19: 201–222.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Pertusariales Megasporaceae Aspicilia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):A – no recent data

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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