Aspiciliella intermutans agg.

A lichen with a light grey thallus that turns brownish in the herbarium. It contains norstictic acid (K+ red). From the similar species Aspicilia cinerea and A. epiglypta it differs in the size of conidia and ascospores. Genetically, it represents a complex of cryptic or newly emerging species (Zakeri et al. 2019). Aspicilia dominiana, circumscribed from the Czech Republic, also belongs to the complex. Aspiciliella intermutans prefers basic types of siliceous and volcanic rocks in warmer areas. Its European centre of distribution lies in the Mediterranean, and it becomes less abundant towards the north. The species is quite rare in the Czech Republic, occurring in the surroundings of Prague and vulcanite rock in northwest Bohemia.

Literature: Zakeri Z., Otte V., Sipman H., Malíček J., Cubas P., Rico V.J., Lenzová V., Svoboda D. & Divakar P.K. (2019): Discovering cryptic species in the Aspiciliella intermutans complex (Megasporaceae, Ascomycota) – First results using gene concatenation and coalescent-based species tree approaches. – PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216675.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Pertusariales Megasporaceae Aspiciliella

most frequented synonyms:Aspicilia intermutans, Aspicilia dominiana

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):C3 – endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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