Biatora radicicola Printzen, Palice & J. Halda

This lichen is macroscopically similar to the common species Lecidella elaeochroma, which, however, differs ecologically and microscopically. It is a recently described hydrophilous species. It typically grows on protruding, occasionally inundated tree roots on banks of watercourses or at bases and exposed roots of deciduous trees in open mountain forests, characterised by high winter snow cover, e.g. in glacial cirques. In the Czech Republic, the species is so far known only from the Orlické hory Mountains (Metuje and Divoká Orlice valleys) and Hrubý Jeseník (Malá kotlina). In Sweden, it has recently been found also on wet rocks in mountain forest-free areas (Ekman et al. 2019).

Literature: Printzen C., Halda J.P., McCarthy J.W., Palice Z., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Thor G., Tønsberg T. & Vondrák J. (2016): Five new species of Biatora from four continents. – Herzogia 29: 566–585. Ekman S., Svensson M., Westberg M. & Zamora J.C. (2019): Additions to the lichen flora of Fennoscandia III. – Graphis Scripta 31: 34–46.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Ramalinaceae Biatora

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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