Brianaria sylvicola (Flot. ex Körb.) S. Ekman & M. Svensson

It is the most common member of the genus, with the widest ecological amplitude. It typically occurs on overhanging and shady acid stones and rocks in forests. However, in some localities, it can overgrow relatively exposed parts of boulders or semi-submerged stones in the ground. For example, its presence on hard vulcanite is relatively common. This species even rarely passes to moist, hard wood or exposed tree roots and bases. It is a widespread species that may be overlooked to some extent, as it often appears only in the anamorphic pycnidial stage.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Psoraceae Brianaria

most frequented synonyms:Micarea sylvicola

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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