Buellia arborea Coppins & Tønsberg

A lichen characterised by delimited blueish soralia. It resembles the common B. griseovirens from which the sterile thalli may be reliably distinguished by TLC. Buellia arborea produces atranorin and placodiolic acid while B. griseovirens produces norstictic acid.

Buellia arborea is rather a continental species, usually occurring on acidic bark and wood (Tønsberg 1992). Only two localities are known in the Czech Republic; in 1995 the lichen was collected on spruce wood in the glacial cirque of the Černé jezero lake in the Šumava Mts (Malíček et al. 2014), furthermore, it has been found on oak wood in the Podyjí National Park. The species is probably partly overlooked and new findings are expected in localities of relic character.

Literature: Tønsberg T. (1992): The sorediate and isidiate, corticolous, crustose lichens in Norway. – Sommerfeltia 14: 1–331. Malíček J., Palice Z. & Vondrák J. (2014): New lichen records and rediscoveries from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – Herzogia 27: 257–284.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Caliciales Caliciaceae Buellia

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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