Calicium episcalare L. Tibell & T. Knutsson

A lichen similar to C. montanum, characterised by its lichenicolous occurrence on squamules of Hypocenomyce scalaris. In the initial stages, C. episcalare forms pycnidia and juvenile apothecia on the host, but in later stages of development it often forms its own thallus and may grow independently of the original host.

Typical habitats are relict pine or light oak woodlands on rocks, where it occurs on pine bark and on slowly decaying wood (often stumps) in light sites. The species has recently been described from a single locality in Sweden (Tibell & Knuttson 2016) and its overall distribution is unknown. It has been found repeatedly in the Czech Republic (Křivoklát region, NP Podyjí, Krušné hory Mts). Records on Calicium montanum from Týřov (Vondrák et al. 2022) refer to this species.

Literature: Tibell L. & Knuttson T. (2016): Calicium episcalaris (Caliciaceae), a new lichen species from Sweden. – Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 38: 49–52. Vondrák J. et al. (2022): From Cinderella to Princess: an exceptional hotspot of lichen diversity in a long-inhabited central-European landscape. – Preslia 94: 143–181.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Caliciales Caliciaceae Calicium

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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