Thanks to its sessile black apothecia pruinose on their margins, this lichen used to be classified as Cyphelium in the past. It is a saxicolous species, typically growing on vertical to overhanging acidic silicates. It is one of the rarest genus members, known in Europe only from a few localities in the central and southern part. In the Czech Republic, it was recorded at two localities in the Tišnov region – on the gneiss rock Bílá skála near Dolní Loučky (Suza 1944) and on the schist rock Výrovka close to Tišnov (Suza 1950). In 1962 also A. Vězda collected the species in the first mentioned locality and published it in his exsiccate.
Literature: Tibell L. (1971): The genus Cyphelium in Europe. – Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 65: 138–164. Suza J. (1944): Sedmý příspěvek k lichenologii Moravy. – Sborník klubu přírodovědného Brno 25: 78–89. Suza J. (1950): Další příspěvky k povaze oceánského elementu v lišejníkové flóře střední Evropy. Parmelia mougeotii a Buellia canescens. – Věstník Královské české společnosti nauk 1949/12: 1–30. Vězda A. (1962): Lichenes selecti exsiccati, editi ab Instituto botanico Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae, Brno, ČSR. Fasciculus VI. –VII. (no. 126–175). – 19 p., Brno.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Caliciales → Caliciaceae → Calicium
most frequented synonyms:Cyphelium neesii, Cyphelium lecideinumAll records: 1, confirmed 1. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).