Caloplaca albopruinosa (Arnold) H. Olivier

A small species, currently belonging to the genus Pyrenodesmia. It has dark grey to black apothecia (without anthraquinones), endolithic thallus and is linked to limestones. Characteristic features of this species are numerous oil droplets in the hymenium and fruiting bodies 0.2–0.5 mm in diameter with a poorly developed exciple. In the Czech Republic, the species is known only from the Pálava Hills (Malíček & Vondrák 2018). It has been reported also from Český kras (Svoboda et al. 2014), but these data actually belong to the species C. alociza sensu lato.

It is a little-known lichen, whose name is still often misapplied. Here we follow the unpublished results by Ivan Frolov, who revealed nomenclatural errors in the fundamental work of Muggia et al. (2008). In this work, the authors incorrectly used the name C. albopruinosa for the taxon Caloplaca (Pyrenodesmia) intercedens (Trevis.) J. Steiner, a lichen that is not known from the Czech Republic and its nearest localities are in the Slovak part of Bílé Karpaty Mountains and the German mountains Fränkische Alb. In the same work, the real C. albopruinosa was called “*C. alociza*“.

Literature: Malíček J. & Vondrák J. (2018): Příspěvek k diverzitě lišejníků NPR Děvín a Tabulová v CHKO Pálava. – Bryonora 61: 1–17. Muggia L., Grube M. & Tretiach M. (2008): A combined molecular and morphological approach to species delimitation in black-fruited, endolithic Caloplaca: high genetic and low morphological diversity. – Mycological Research 112: 36–49. Svoboda D., Halda J.P., Malíček J., Palice Z., Šoun J. & Vondrák J. (2014): Lišejníky Českého krasu: shrnutí výzkumů a soupis druhů. – Bohemia centralis 32: 213–265.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Teloschistales Teloschistaceae Caloplaca

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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