A yellow sorediate lichen, newly included in the genus Flavoplaca. It is morphologically and ecologically very similar to the species C. flavocitrina. In the Czech Republic, its occurrence has been confirmed from Andělská Hora near Karlovy Vary (Vondrák et al. 2009) and from Velká Kotlina in the Jeseníky Mountains (Vondrák & Malíček 2015). It is expected to be more abundant, however, the safe differentiation from the common C. flavocitrina requires DNA sequencing, which complicates its occurrence mapping.
Literature: Vondrák J., Říha P., Arup U. & Søchting U. (2009): The taxonomy of the Caloplaca citrina group (Teloschistaceae) in the Black Sea region; with contributions to the cryptic species concept in lichenology. – Lichenologist 41: 571–604. Vondrák J. & Malíček J. (2015): Teloschistaceae Velké kotliny a Petrových kamenů v Hrubém Jeseníku. – Bryonora 56: 45–55.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Teloschistales → Teloschistaceae → Caloplaca
most frequented synonyms:Flavoplaca citrinaAll records: 12, confirmed 8. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).