Caloplaca saxicola agg.

In the Czech Republic, historically, the name C. saxicola was used for the species C. arnoldii and C. pusilla. However, the true identity of the name is not clear. Gaya et al. (2011) use it for the North American species of the genus Calogaya, while European lichens of a similar phenotype they call C. arnoldii. Their concept is suspicious, as the type specimen under the name C. saxicola comes from Sweden. Presently, the name C. saxicola sensu lato is used as a collection basket for „potential species“, mainly from central Asia, resembling C. arnoldii but differing in ITS sequences (Vondrák et al. 2018, 2019). Actually, it is possible that the name C. saxicola corresponds to C. arnoldii.

Literature: Gaya E., Redelings B.D., Navarro-Rosinés P., Llimona X., De Cáceres M. & Lutzoni F. (2011): Align, or not to align? Resolving species complexes within the Caloplaca saxicola group as a case study. – Mycologia 103: 361–378. Vondrák J., Shahidin H., Haji Moniri M., Halıcı G. & Košnar J. (2018): Taxonomic and functional diversity in Calogaya (lichenised Ascomycota) in dry continental Asia. – Mycological Progress 17: 897–916. Vondrák J., Frolov I., Davydov E. A., Yakovchenko L., Malíček J., Svoboda S. & Kubásek J. (2019): The lichen family Teloschistaceae in the Altai-Sayan region (Central Asia). – Phytotaxa 396: 1–66.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Teloschistales Teloschistaceae Caloplaca

most frequented synonyms:Calogaya saxicola agg.

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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