A rare calciphilous species, differing from other Czech Catillaria species in orange to red-brown apothecia. It prefers sun-exposed, vertical to overhanging limestone rocks, mainly in narrow humid river valleys and ravines. In Europe, it is mainly distributed in the temperate regions. The species is rare in the Czech Republic, but might also be partly overlooked. It was reported here for the first time not long ago from the Český kras (Bohemian karst; Vondrák et al. 2007) and later also from the Moravský kras (Moravian karst; Halda et al. 2017).
Literature: Halda J. P. et al. (2017): Lišejníky zaznamenané během 22. jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Moravském krasu v dubnu 2015. – Bryonora 59: 1–23. Vondrák J., Kocourková J., Slavíková-Bayerová Š., Breuss O., Sparrius L. & Hawksworth D. L. (2007): Noteworthy Lichens, Lichenicolous and other allied Fungi recorded in Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic. ‒ Bryonora 40: 31‒40.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Catillariaceae → Catillaria
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