Chaenotheca cinerea (Pers.) Tibell

A species forming low apothecia with a dense white pruina and a colourless stalk at the basis. The thallus is granular and well-developed. The lichen might be mistaken for the less-developed specimens of the common C. trichialis, from which it differs, among other traits, by the larger ascospores.

Its typical substrate is the furrowed bark of old deciduous trees in old-growth forest. However, there are also populations overgrowing decaying bryophytes and dry leaves of Dryas octopetala in the northern Europe (Tibell 1999). Chaenotheca cinerea is one of the rarest genus members in Europe. There is only one historical report on its occurrence in the Czech Republic, supported by a single specimen found on beech bark near Javořice in the Českomoravská vrchovina upland (Servít 1910). All the mentions in the Catalogue by Vězda & Liška (1999) refer to this record.

Literature: Servít M. (1910): První příspěvek k lichenologii Moravy. − Zprávy Kommisse pro Přírodovědecké Prozkoumání Moravy, oddělení botanické, Brno, 6: 1−83. Tibell L. (1999): Calicioid lichens and fungi. – Nordic Lichen Flora 1: 20–94.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lichinomycetes Coniocybales Coniocybaceae Chaenotheca

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):RE – extinct
Red List (Malíček 2023):A – no recent data

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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