Cladonia grayi G. Merr. ex Sandst.

Cladonia grayi belongs to the C. chlorophaea group and has a variable surface (squamules, granules, soredia) and the shape of podetia, which are often trumpet-shaped but more rarely also have the typical scyphus shape known, e.g., in C. fimbriata (Kowalewska et al. 2008). For a reliable identification, the verification of the presence of grayanic acid (UV+ cold violet/ice blue) by TLC or microcrystalli­zation is recommended. Grayanic acid is either formed as the main metabolite (Pd-) or together with the fumarprotocetraric acid complex (Pd+ red).

Literature: Kowalewska A., Kukwa M., Ostrowska I., Jabłońska A., Oset M. & Szok J. (2008): The lichens of the Cladonia pyxidata-chlorophaea group and allied species in Poland. – Herzogia 21: 61–78. It is an acidophilic species growing on wide range of substrates: on soil, humus, peat, tree bark or decaying wood. It was originally described from North America and is common in many areas of Europe but surprisingly only sparsely recorded in the Czech Republic. The Czech records are from various areas and substrates.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Cladoniaceae Cladonia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):NT – near threatened
Red List (Malíček 2023):C3 – endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

All records: 36, confirmed 20. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).


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