Clavascidium lacinulatum (Ach.) M. Prieto

The only Clavascidium species known in the Czech Republic. From the similar genus Placidium and especially from the common species P. squamulosum, it differs in the presence of white rhizines, lobulate squamules, laminal pycnidia and smaller ascospores.

Clavascidium lacinulatum has its European distribution centre in the Mediterranean-Atlantic region and is rare in central Europe. It grows on bare limestone or loess soil on open stands at low elevations. In the Czech Republic, it used to be recorded at a couple of localities in the past; e.g., abandoned limestone quarries near Grygov in the Olomouc region, the Stránská skála rock near Brno and Ivančice. Recent records are missing.

Literature: Prieto M. & Westberg M. (2017): Clavascidium. – In: Moberg R., Tibell S. & Tibell L. [eds], Nordic Lichen Flora 6: 18–19.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Eurotiomycetes Verrucariales Verrucariaceae Clavascidium

most frequented synonyms:Placidium lacinulatum

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):A – no recent data

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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