Flavocetraria nivalis (L.) Kärnefelt & A. Thell

Flavocetraria nivalis has a similar ecology as its related F. cucullata, both are arctic-alpine species and they often occur together. In the Czech Republic, it usually grows on acidic soil and humus above the upper tree line in the highest mountains: the Krkonoše Mts (e.g. Mt Sněžka) and Králický Snežník Mts. Compared to F. cucullata, it has a wider, foveolate lobes, rich yellow at their bases. Its range is circumpolar to bipolar, covering arctic-boreal regions of Euroasia and North America, plus tropical mountains in Malaysia, high Andes and the southern parts of South America (Randlane & Saag 2007).

Literature: Randlane T. & Saag A. (2007): Cetrarioid lichens in the Southern Hemisphere – an identification key and distribution patterns of the species. – Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95: 489–499.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Parmeliaceae Flavocetraria

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):EN – endangered
Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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