Lecidea lactea Flörke ex Schaer.

In the past and by some authors also nowadays, this taxon has been considered a variety or chemotype of L. lapicida (e.g. as var. pantherina). The lichen is characterized by a well-developed, grey-white thallus that contains norstictic acid (gradually turning bloody red if exposed to KOH; needle-like crystals are formed in microscopic slides) and amyloid medulla. Apothecia are usually immersed between areoles.

Lecidea lactea is a predominantly montane species of siliceous open rock outcrops and boulder screes. In the Czech Republic, it occurs in most of the border mountain ranges, but in climatically and substrate suitable places it is also found at lower elevations, such as in the volcanic area of the České středohoří uplands. In terms of recent records, the species seems to be more common than L. lapicida s. str.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Lecideaceae Lecidea

most frequented synonyms:Lecidea lapicida var. pantherina

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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