Lecidea turficola (Hellb.) Th. Fr.

A little-known member of the genus Lecidea s. l. with an unclear phylogenetic position. It resembles the terricolous Lecidoma demissum. It forms red-brown to dark brown apothecia on grey-brown to grey, squamulose-pustular thallus. Both the exciple and hypothecium are pale in section (Magnusson 1952, Foucard 2001).

Lecidea turficola grows on peat, dying bryophytes, humus, decaying wood and tree bases at higher elevations. Most of its localities are known from Fennoscandia (Westberg et al. 2021). Its distribution in central Europe is almost unknown, it has not even been reported from the Alps. Nádvorník (1961) recorded the lichen above the tree line in the Vysoké Tatry Mts. In the Czech Republic, the species has been found relatively recently in the Šumava Mts, where it inhabits mainly relic habitats such as scree surroundings with pine or climax spruce forests.

Literature: Magnusson A. H. (1952): Key to species of Lecidea in Scandinavia and Finland. II. Non-saxicolous species. – Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 46: 313–323. Nádvorník J. (1961): Příspěvky k lišejníkovému rodu Lecidea (Ach.) Th.Fr. v ČSSR. – Preslia 33: 308–314. Foucard T. (2001): Svenska Skorplavar. ‒ Interpublishing, Stockholm. Westberg M., Moberg R., Myrdal M., Nordin A. & Ekman S. (2021): Santesson’s Chec­klist of Fennoscandian Lichen-Forming and Lichenicolous Fungi. ‒ Uppsala University: Museum of Evolution.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Lecideaceae Lecidea

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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