Lepraria humida Slav.-Bay. & Orange

A rather rare, recently described genus member (Slavíková-Bayerová & Orange 2007), formerly considered a chemotype of L. jackii. However, L. humida differs in the presence of anthraquinones on hyphae occurring locally in the lower part of thallus, and in nuances in the composition of fatty acids. The species grows typically on wet siliceous overhangs in forests or in relatively open screes richly covered by bryophytes. Approximately ten records under the name Lepraria sp. H have been published from the Czech Republic (Slavíková-Bayerová & Orange 2007), all corresponding to L. humida morphologically and chemically, but they come from ecologically different types of habitats. Regarding the molecular data, some of these findings (from the Krkonoše Mts and Orlické hory Mts) probably relate to a hitherto undescribed taxon (Slavíková-Bayerová & Orange 2007). Recently, two specimens have been found in a humid valley of the Bílý potok brook in the Šumava Mts and classified as L. humida as they are morphologically, chemically and ecologically very similar to the type material from Wales (see Slavíková-Bayerová & Orange 2007). However, their identification still needs to be verified by a specialist or by molecular methods.

Literature: Slavíková-Bayerová Š. & Orange A. (2006): Three new species of Lepraria (Ascomycota, Stereocaulaceae) containing fatty acids and atranorin. – Lichenologist 38: 503–513.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Stereocaulaceae Lepraria

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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