Micarea microareolata Launis, Pykälä & Myllys

A recently described and probably largely overlooked taxon from the M. microccoca agg. that is, similarly to its related species, able to grow on bark as well as on wood. As pointed out by Russian authors after the revision of herbaria material (Konoreva et al. 2019), the lichen was collected on spruce twigs in the Českomoravská vrchovina upland and published in the exsiccate by A. Vězda (Lich. sel. exsic. n. 1467; Vězda 1977, as M. prasina). The species has adnate („button-like“) apothecia attached to the thallus only in their centres alike the related M. byssacea and M. laeta, but differs in the thallus character, ascospore width and eventually also in colour of apothecia (Launis et al. 2019). A part of data published under the name M. micrococca may belong to M. microareolata. However, more field studies and revision of herbaria material is needed for a better estimation of the species abundance in the Czech Republic.

Literature: Launis A., Pykälä J., van den Boom P. P. G., Sérusiaux E. & Myllys L. (2019): Four new epiphytic species in the Micarea prasina group from Europe. – Lichenologist 51: 7–25. Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Kuznetsova E. & Stepanchikova I. (2019): Remarkable records of Micarea from the Russian Far East and significant extension of Micarea laeta and M. microareolata range. – Botanica 25: 186–201. Vězda A. (1977): Lichenes selecti exsiccati, editi ab Instituto botanico Academiae Scientiarum Čechoslovacae, Průhonice prope Pragam. Fasc. LIX. (no. 1451−1475). − Brno.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Pilocarpaceae Micarea

Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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