Peltigera didactyla (With.) J.R. Laundon

A tiny genus member, whose thallus usually carries light soralia which, in contrast to the very similar P. extenuata, does not have C+ reddish reaction. Peltigera didactyla is a typical pioneer of bare soil and extreme habitats with a low competition of vascular plants. Rarely, it may be found also on walls or tree bases. The lichen occurs in both, natural and anthropogenic habitats, from lowlands to mountains. Frequently, it grows, for example, in quarries, sandpits, and on road edges. It is a common species in the Czech Republic, as well as in Europe.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Peltigerales Peltigeraceae Peltigera

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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