Physcia vitii Nádv.

Little known species whose type material resembles, e.g., P. tribacia. It grows on nutrient-rich bark of deciduous trees, on well-lit stands in non-forest vegetation, such as tree avenues or solitary trees in villages or in agricultural landscapes. It was circumscribed by J. Nádvorník (1947) from the Czech Republic, specifically from the Poděčely village near Chroustovice in eastern Bohemia and the Hluk village in southern Moravia. Gradually, it was also found in many European and Asian countries. However, it is very rare and there are no current records in the Czech Republic. Its general rarity is not understood because seemingly suitable localities are common in the European landscapes nowadays. It might be partly overlooked.

Literature: Nádvorník J. (1947): Physciaceae Tchécoslovaques. – Studia Botanica Čechoslovaca 8: 69–124.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Caliciales Physciaceae Physcia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):RE – extinct
Red List (Malíček 2023):A – no recent data

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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Distribution Timeline

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