Pterygiopsis umbilicata (Vězda) Henssen

A conspicuous brown-red crust with a typically violet-coloured medulla. It occurs on basic xerothermic siliceous rocks, often enriched with calcium, together with small cyanolichens, at places with periodic seepages of water running from rock crevices. The species was described from the Czech Republic by Vězda (1978) from rocks below the Levnov castle ruin in the Oslava river valley and it has been repeatedly documented there. Recently, it was also found in the Křivoklát region (Týřov), where it is quite abundant at certain microsites at the lower parts of spilite rocks, always at places with calcareous intrusions. Its world distribution area is unknown. Until recently, it was only known from the type locality in the Třebíč region. Other published data turned out to be misidentified or uncertain (see Šoun et al. 2015).

Literature: Vězda A. (1978): Neue oder wenig bekante Flechten in der Tschechoslowakei II. – Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 13: 397–420. Šoun J., Vondrák J. & Bouda F. (2015): Vzácné a málo známé druhy lišejníků Třebíčska a okolí. – Bryonora, 56: 1–23.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lichinomycetes Lichinales Lichinaceae Pterygiopsis

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):CR – critically endangered
Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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