The rarest of the Czech Punctelia species. Its recent occurrence in the Czech Republic was recorded as late as 2016 (the Rokycany region, Český kras – the Bohemian karst) and later it was also found in the southern Plzeň region. It is distinguished from the two more common Punctelia species by black lobe underside and the presence of gyrophoric acid in medulla. Due to its similarity to P. subrudecta it might me partially overlooked. Its distribution area is mainly Atlantic-Mediterranean. However, it has been spreading inland recently, similar to Flavoparmelia soredians, probably due to climate changes. Like the other Czech Punctelia species, it grows on the bark of deciduous trees at open sites. There are numerous historical records under the nameImbricaria or Parmelia borreri from the area of the Czech Republic. However, because of varying concept of the species in the past, the records probably refer to the more common P. jeckeri and P. subrudecta. On the other hand, its historical occurrence cannot be excluded and revision of older herbarium material would be worthwhile.
Literature: Šoun J., Bouda F., Kocourková J., Malíček J., Palice Z., Peksa O., Svoboda D. & Vondrák J. (2017): Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků z čeledi Parmeliaceae v České republice. – Bryonora 60: 46–64.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Parmeliaceae → Punctelia
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