The branches of R. obtusata are hollow with terminal vesicular soralia. It grows on branches and trunks of both coniferous and deciduous trees in well-preserved humid boreal forests. It is quite rare in Europe. It is the rarest Ramalina in the Czech Republic. Historically, the species was recorded at various localities throughout the country (Černohorský et al. 1956). Recent verified data are missing. For a reliable identification, it is recommended that the presence of obtusatic acid is verified. Otherwise, it might be confused with extreme forms of the R. pollinaria group (contains evernic acid complex) or R. baltica (sekikaic acid complex).
Literature: Černohorský Z., Nádvorník J. & Servít M. (1956): Klíč k určování lišejníků ČSR. I. díl. − ČSAV, Praha. Liška J. & Pišút I. (1995): Lišajníky. − In: Kotlaba F. [ed.], Červená kniha ohrozených a vzácnych druhov rastlín a živočíchov SR a ČR 4. – Príroda, Bratislava, p. 120−156.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Ramalinaceae → Ramalina
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