A fruticose lichen with long pendent thalli, resembling Alectoria sarmentosa or Usnea species. It is distinguished by small terminal soralia. It has a boreal-montane distribution and is epiphytic mainly on tree branches (especially spruce) in humid old growth forests. Occasionally, it may also grow on wood or rocks. In Europe, it is a rare and declining species. Ramalina thrausta is very sensitive to air pollution and microclimatic changes, e.g., resulting from forest management. In central Europe, it is more abundant only in the Alps. There are historical records from the area of the Czech Republic, specifically from the Šumava Mts and Žďárské vrchy Highlands, and from the Písek and Liberec regions. The last finding was documented in the 1990s in the southeast part of the Šumava Mts (Liška et al. 1998). It was a single small thallus from the Plešné jezero glacial cirque (Z. Palice, unpubl.). It is possibly extinct here.
Literature: Liška J., Dětinský R. & Palice Z. (1998): A project on distribution changes of lichens in the Czech Republic. – Sauteria 9: 351–360.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Ramalinaceae → Ramalina
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