Rhaphidicyrtis trichosporella (Nyl.) Vain.

The species forms almost completely immersed spherical perithecia which contain long filiform ascospores, even up to 100 μm long. A net of periphysoids is formed between the asci and hymenial gel gives an amyloid reaction after KOH treatment. It is easily overlooked in the field because its pinkish, pale orange to reddish thallus may resemble immersed colonies of non-symbiotic Trentepohlia algae. On the other hand, the conspicuous reddish colour when wet makes it easier to be noticed. The small perithecia resemble the pycnidia belonging to the genus Opegrapha s. lat, a non-lichenized fungus or the common forest microlichen * Anisomeridium polypori*.

The species is epiphytic, growing on smooth bark of deciduous trees, in the Czech Republic mainly on beech in humid stands. In certain habitats (brook valleys, old-growth forests) it may dominate some trunk parts, especially in places where competitively stronger macrolichens or more quickly spreading sorediate microlichens are missing. In the Czech Republic, it has been found in old-growth forests in the Šumava Mts, Žofínský prales in the Novohradské hory Mts, and Razula in the Javorníky Mts. In Europe, it is rarely recorded, especially in the central part.

Literature: Malíček J. & Palice Z. (2013): Lichens of the virgin forest reserve Žofínský prales (Czech Republic) and surrounding woodlands. – Herzogia 26: 253–292.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Eurotiomycetes Pyrenulales incertae sedis Pyrenulales Rhaphidicyrtis

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):EN – endangered
Red List (Malíček 2023):C2 – strongly endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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