Rhizocarpon furfurosum H. Magn. & Poelt

An inconspicuous lichen forming areolate to continuous, dark to pale brown rough thalli. It is unique due to its blastidiate thallus with underdeveloped prothallus and stictic acid. The centre of the thallus is usually fully blastidiate, the outer edge is verrucose-areolate. Apothecia are uncommon, with a slightly convex brownish disc center and a black proper margin. The spores are hyaline and muriform.

The species is associated with higher iron content in siliceous rocks. Primarily, it grows on vertical surfaces and rock overhangs, but also on exposed inclined or even horizontal surfaces. It is usually found at sites influenced by iron mining, records from natural sites are rare. Acarospora sinopica, Lecanora epanora, Lecidea silacea and Rhizocarpon oederi share a similar ecology. In Europe, R. furfurosum is only rarely recorded, possibly overlooked. In the Czech Republic, it was first found recently in the Křivoklát region (Palice et al. 2008). Since then, it has been recorded at several other localities. However, it is always sterile.

Literature: Palice Z., Steinová J. & Malíček J. (2008): Tři nové korovité (vegetativně se množící) lišejníky pro ČR z hornin bohatých na železo a měď. – Bryonora 42: 12–16.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Rhizocarpales Rhizocarpaceae Rhizocarpon

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):EN – endangered
Red List (Malíček 2023):C2 – strongly endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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Altitude preferences

Distribution Timeline

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Substrate preferences

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