This Rinodina has a characteristic, quite thick grey thallus without secondary metabolites, sessile to immersed apothecia with dark brown to black discs and thalline margin. It has large ascospores (20–32 × 11–19 µm) with strongly and irregularly thickened cell walls (Mischoblastia to Pachysporaria type).
The lichen grows on siliceous to slightly calcareous rocks (e.g., calcareous sandstones), often at nutrient-enriched places, but also on anthropogenic substrates, such as concrete, roof tiles and stones in walls (Mayrhofer & Moberg 2002). In Europe, it is distributed from the Mediterranean to southern Scandinavia, but is quite rare in central Europe. In the Czech Republic, it is only known from three localities; calcareous slates in Rabštejn nad Střelou, calcareous sandstone at the Ralsko Hill and tephrite in the České středohoří Hills.
Literature: Mayrhofer H. & Moberg R. (2002): Rinodina. – Nordic Lichen Flora 2: 41–69.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Caliciales → Physciaceae → Rinodina
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