Sarcogyne hypophaeoides Vain.

The thallus is endolithic and the lecideine apothecia are usually less than 1 mm wide with a striated un-segmented black margin. Because of the dark hypothecium it can only be confused with S. clavus which has a very uneven, cracked, crenulate margin.

The species occurs on siliceous rock, especially granite and quartzite in full sun, at various elevations. In the Czech Republic it is confirmed from several sites. However, it was not distinguished from similar S. clavus. Other recorded collections are in North America in Ontario, Canada and in Europe.

Literature: Westberg M., Timdal E., Asplund J., Bendiksby M., Haugan R., Jonsson F., Larsson P., Odelvik G., Wedin M. & Millanes A.M. (2015): New records of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi in Scandinavia. – MycoKeys 11: 33–61.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Acarosporales Acarosporaceae Sarcogyne

Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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