Sarcogyne lecanorina K. Knudsen, Kocourk. & Hodková

Sarcogyne lecanorina is currently only known from the type collection by J. Malíček from Bezděz in North Bohemia. It was growing on s-facing HCl- trachyte rock with Acarospora fusca, Caloplaca crenulatella, Candelariella vitellina, and Amandinea punctata on slope at 540–560 m. Since it was described in 2023 and collected in 2021, data is still lacking on its distribution and possible substrates.

Sarcogyne lecanorina has a dispersed thallus of small brownish areoles up to 0.5 mm wide, 100–230 μm thick, with an epinecral layer. Each areole produces one elevated apothecium 0.2–0.4 mm wide with a lecanorine margin ca. 90–100 μm wide with narrow cortex and algal layer up to 80 μm extending under the apothecia. The disc is dark, rough or smooth, epruinose and dark reddish color when wetted. The hymenium is 70–80 μm high and IKI+ light blue with paraphyses ca. 2 μm wide and ascospores mostly 4–5 × 2 μm. It does not produce any secondary metabolites.

Literature: Knudsen K., Kocourková J., Hodková E., Dart J., Dolnik C., Malíček J. & Obermayer W. (2023): Exploring the Sarcogyne phylogeny: three new species and four new reports from Europe and North America (Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Romania, U.S.A.). – Herzogia 36: 445–469.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Acarosporales Acarosporaceae Sarcogyne

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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