Sarcogyne nivea Kremp.

A species similar to S. pruinosa, from which it differs mainly in its hemiamyloid hymenial gel (IKI+ blue turning dirty brown to red) and globose to ellipsoid ascospores. Phylogenetically, it is very close to S. fallax, from which it differs in the endolithic thallus (Knudsen et al. 2023). Sarcogyne nivea is a little known lichen. It grows on calcareous rocks at lower elevations. From the Czech Republic it has been confirmed so far from Česká Metuje and Karlov pod Ještědem.

Literature: Knudsen K., van Zon S., Tsurykau A., Kocourková J., Hodková E., Huereca A. & Malíček J. (2023): Sarcogyne (Acarosporaceae) on calcareous rock in Europe and North America. – Herzogia 36: 52–71.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Acarosporales Acarosporaceae Sarcogyne

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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