A tiny, near crustose Scytinium with very narrow lobes. It occurs on calcareous rocks in full sun. It is distributed across the whole Europe, but belongs to the rare species. Also, from the Czech Republic, there are only four historical reports: from the vicinity of the Templštejn castle and the village of Vladislav in the Jihlava River valley, from Zvole near Zábřeh and from Chrast in the Chrudim region (Černohorský et al. 1956, Pišút 1968).
Literature: Černohorský Z., Nádvorník J. & Servít M. (1956): Klíč k určování lišejníků ČSR. I. díl. – Nakladatelství ČSAV, Praha. Pišút I. (1968): Lichenologische Bemerkungen 3. – Annotationes zoologicae et botanicae 50: 1–6.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Peltigerales → Collemataceae → Scytinium
most frequented synonyms:Collema callopismumAll records: 0, confirmed 0. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).