Thelocarpon lichenicola (Fuckel) Poelt & Hafellner

A non-lichenized, widely-distributed species, quite common in wet and shaded forests and peatbogs. It grows on wood, bare soil or acidic stones. Usually associated with non-lichenized algae, which it may parasite on. Forms with narrowly cylindrical apothecia are sometimes distinguished as a distinct species, T. strasseri.

Literature: Kocourková-Horáková J. (1998): Distribution and ecology of the genus Thelocarpon (Lecanorales, Thelocarpaceae) in the Czech Republic. – Czech Mycology 50: 271–302.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lichinomycetes Thelocarpales Thelocarpaceae Thelocarpon

most frequented synonyms:Thelocarpon strasseri, Ahlesia lichenicola

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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