A sterile sorediate lichen; its thallus consists of whitish verrucae and contains alectorialic acid (soralia Pd+ yellow-orange, C+ red). It is an arctic-alpine species, which grows on bryophytes, plant debris and soil, mainly acidic but also calcareous. In central Europe, the lichen is known mainly from high elevations in the Alps and Carpathians. The only record from the Czech Republic is from Sněžka Mt (Lettau 1912); it is uncertain because the herbarium material has not been revised recently and it might also have been collected on the Polish side of the boarder.
Literature: Lettau G. (1912): Beiträge zur Lichenographie von Thüringen. – Hedwigia 52: 81–264.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Rhizocarpales → Sporastatiaceae → Toensbergia
most frequented synonyms:Pertusaria geminiparaAll records: 0, confirmed 0. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).