Toninia taurica (Szatala) Oxner

Thallus of T. taurica is composed of convex, glossy, dark olive brown squamules bearing up to 3 mm large apothecia, usually with strongly pruinose discs and epruinose margins. From the similar species T. sedifolia and T. opuntioides, it differs in the shape and pruinosity of the squamules and the colourless or pale brown hypothecium.

It grows in crevices of calcareous rocks and on soil, usually associated with cyanolichens when young. It occurs from lowlands to mountains. Most of its European localities lie in the central and southern parts of the continent. It is a very rare lichen in the Czech Republic, historically collected only once by F. Petrak in southern Moravia (Timdal 1992). There is a single recent record – from the Suchý žleb valley in the Moravský kras (Moravian karst).

Literature: Timdal E. (1992): A monograph of the genus Toninia (Lecideaceae, Ascomycetes). – Opera Botanica 110: 1–137.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Ramalinaceae Toninia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):CR – critically endangered
Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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