Xanthoparmelia angustiphylla (Gyeln.) Hale

Xanthoparmelia angustiphylla is a little-known non-isidiate yellow-green species. It differs from similar Xanthoparmelia species by a black underside and the presence of stictic acid complex in the medulla (K+ yellow to orange). These characteristics are shared with the common X. conspersa, which is distinguished only by the presence of isidia.

It grows on sun-exposed siliceous rocks from lowlands to mountains. In Europe, as well as in the Czech Republic, it is only rarely recorded and is probably partly overlooked. However, in Poland, it is the most common non-isidiate species (Kanigowski et al. 2016). In the Czech Republic, it is only known from four localities in the valley of the Vltava river, Křivoklát region and from the Podyjí National Park.

In some European countries, e.g., Poland, a similar lichen has been recorded. It has the same secondary metabolites but a brown thallus underside and has been called X. cumberlandia, which is a North American species. It might also be present in the Czech Republic.

Literature: Kanigowski P., Flakus A., Oset M., Kowalewska A., Rykaczewki M. & Kukwa M. (2016): The lichen family Parmeliaceae in Poland. Xanthoparmelia species containing usnic acid. – Herzogia 29: 108–119. Malíček J. & Vondrák J. (2016): Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků ve středním Povltaví II. – saxikolní druhy. – Bryonora 58: 46–65.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Parmeliaceae Xanthoparmelia

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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