Anisomeridium biforme (Borrer) R.C. Harris

An epiphytic species characterised by thin, crustose, grey-white thallus and black perithecia and pycnidia. Spores in asci are situated sidelong in one or nearly two lines with one and often two other indistinct septa. Thanks to the relatively large fruiting bodies, the species may be confused with Acrocordia gemmata in the field. Its distinction from fertile specimens of the common A. polypori may be problematic as well, the species differs mainly in ascospores.

Anisomeridium biforme usually occurs in oceanic and suboceanic parts of Europe, where it grows on bark of deciduous trees in open humid forests from lowlands to mountains, often around watercourses. From the Czech Republic, it used to be reported by various authors until the first half of the 20th century. Later data are missing and appear again recently, but rarely (around the confluence of the rivers Morava and Dyje, the Litovelské Pomoraví).

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Dothideomycetes Monoblastiales Monoblastiaceae Anisomeridium

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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