Anisomeridium carinthiacum (J. Steiner) R.C. Harris

An amphibious species that grows on siliceous rocks and stones in shady places in streams, especially at higher elevations (Thüs & Schultz 2009). Ecologically, it is thus a notable outlier of other Czech epiphytic members of the genus. Its thallus is continuously whitish or greenish-grey. Perithecia are more or less immersed and pycnidia are unknown. The species is very rare in central Europe, with only a few known localities in moist mountain areas.

Interestingly, two of its numerous synonyms relate to the Czech Republic. Thelidium sublacteum was described by E. Eitner already in 1911. Unfortu­nately, the protologue contains several errors – a confusion of the type locality with the species mentioned in the previous publication and a misspelled name of the collector. Corrected data were published by M. Servít (see Servít 1953, 1955) who introduced, for these and other reasons, a new name for the species Paraphysothele kalenskyi. Type locality is thus in the stream below the ruins of Rabštejn near Chrudim, where it was found on schist. Later, Servít (1959) surprisingly mentioned P. kalenskyi only from the locality Vana near Chrast (leg. Kalenský), i.e. from the confused locality of Eitner. The species has not been found anywhere else in the country and the population status at the type locality is unknown.

Literature: Eitner E. (1911): Dritter Nachtrag zur schlesischen Flechtenflora. – Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Kultur, Abt. Zool.-Bot., Breslau, 88: 20–60. Servít M. (1953): Nové druhy Verrucarií a příbuzných rodů. – Rozpravy Československé akademie věd 63: 1–33. Servít M. (1955): Nové lišejníky. Lichenes novi. – Rozpravy Československé akademie věd 65: 1–45. Servít M. (1959): Lišejníky Podkrkonoší a sousedního území. – Práce krajského Musea v Hradci Králové, ser. A, 1: 129–158. Thüs H. & Schultz M. (2009): Fungi: Lichens Pt. 1 (Süßwasserflora Von Mitteleuropa / Freshwater Flora of Central Europe). – Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Dothideomycetes Monoblastiales Monoblastiaceae Anisomeridium

most frequented synonyms:Thelidium sublacteum

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):DD – data deficient
Red List (Malíček 2023):A – no recent data

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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