A suboceanic lichen that requires stable humidity, such as that in deep shaded valleys and ravines. It can be found saxicolous, on vertical to overhanging shaded acidic rocks, often on sandstones. However, its presence on trees, especially on spruces, is not an exception. In the Czech Republic, its occurrence is concentrated mainly to the northern sandstone areas, where it can be even locally common. In addition, it has been reported also from the glacial lake cirques or humid valleys of the Šumava Mts, for example, from the boulder screes in Povydří. In other parts of the country it has been recorded exceptionally.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Arthoniomycetes → Arthoniales → Arthoniaceae → Arthonia
All records: 70, confirmed 16. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).