Biatora ligni-mollis T. Sprib. & Printzen

This recently described and very rare species is known in the Czech Republic only from two oldest primeval forest reserves: the Žofín and Boubín (Malíček & Palice 2013, Malíček et al. 2019), where it grows on the bark and hardwood of old spruces, firs and their snags . In Europe, it has rather a suboceanic distribution (Sérusiaux et al. 2010). The lignicolous specimen from Žofín grew on very hard wood. This substrate ecology thus contradicts its Latin species name, which is derived from the occurrence on softwood at its type locality in British Columbia, Canada (Spribille et al. 2009).

Literature: Spribille T., Björk C. R., Ekman S., Elix J.A., Goward T., Printzen C., Tønsberg T. & Wheeler T. (2009): Contributions to an epiphytic lichen flora of northwest North America: I. Eight new species from British Columbia inland rain forests. – Bryologist 112: 109–137. Sérusiaux E., Brand A.M., Motiejunaite J., Orange A. & Coppins B.J. (2010): Lecidea doliiformis belongs to Micarea, Catillaria alba to Biatora, and Biatora ligni-mollis occurs in Western Europe. – Bryologist 113: 333–344.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Ramalinaceae Biatora

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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