A crustose lichen with orange fruiting bodies, and an inconspicuous thallus with undulate margins, nowadays included in the genus Xanthocarpia. The taxonomy of this genus has not been satisfactorily resolved yet, therefore C. crenulatella in our concept may include more species. In older publications, this species was often incorrectly classified as a morphologically similar to C. holocarpa. Caloplaca crenulatella occurs in natural habitats, on base-enriched silicates and limestones, or on various anthropogenic substrates (especially on concrete). It prefers well-lit, exposed habitats. It also occurs as a pioneer species. It is one of the common saxicolous Caloplaca species in the Czech Republic, widespread throughout the country.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Teloschistales → Teloschistaceae → Caloplaca
most frequented synonyms:Xanthocarpia crenulatellaAll records: 224, confirmed 195. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).