Candelariella boleana Etayo, Palice & T. Sprib.

Macroscopically, the lichen is more or less identical to the common species C. xanthostigma, from which and other European members of the genus it differs in globose spores, of which 16–32 are formed in the ascus. It prefers deciduous trees with more acidic bark in submontane and mountain areas. As it is a lichen described only in 2009 (Etayo et al. 2009), its total distribution is not yet known. So far C. boleana has been recorded in several European countries and is probably a rare species. The first and so far only known records from the Czech Republic come from a tin mine near Rolava in the Krušné hory Mountains and from a beech forest in the České les Mts (Šoun et al. 2022).

Literature: Etayo J., Palice Z. & Spribille T. (2009): Candelariella boleana, a new epiphytic species from southern and central Europe (Candelariaceae, Ascomycota). – Nova Hedwigia 89: 545–552. Šoun J., Bouda F., Peksa O. & Uhlík P. (2022): Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků ze západních Čech I. – Erica 29: 15–38.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lichinomycetes Candelariales Candelariaceae Candelariella

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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