Candelariella blastidiata Yakovchenko

A species characterized by the yellow biatorine apothecia and grey to grey-green, squamulose thallus, forming blastidia at its margins. It grows on the bark of deciduous trees with higher pH, in open forests and open landscape (parks, avenues, etc.). Candelariella blastidiata is so far known from a limited number of localities in Europe, Asia, and North America. It has been repeatedly reported from central and eastern part of Europe. In the Czech Republic, it is a rare lichen, which has been found only in a few localities so far.

This taxon has been recently described and is very closely related to C. subdeflexa, from which it differs mainly in the presence of characteristic blastidia (Yakovchenko et al. 2017). A morphological peculiarity of both taxa is the presence of conidiogenous cells on the squamules underside, releasing globose conidia (Westberg 2007).

Literature: Westberg M. (2007): Candelariella (Candelariaceae) in western United States and northern Mexico: the species with biatorine apothecia. – Bryologist 110: 365–374. Yakovchenko L.S., Vondrák J., Ohmura Y., Korchikov E. S., Vondrákova O. S. & Davydov E. A. (2017): Candelariella blastidiata sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Candelariaceae) from Eurasia and North America, and a key for grey thalli Candelariella. – Lichenologist 49: 117–126.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lichinomycetes Candelariales Candelariaceae Candelariella

Red List (Malíček 2023):C2 – strongly endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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