A group of two epiphytic taxa with sorediate thallus – C. efflorescens s. str. and C. xanthostigmoides. Both lichens’ thalli have areoles or squamules with sorediate margins, time to time forming continuous coatings. Both species may be securely identified only in the fertile stage. Candelariella reflexa is another morphologically similar species, but well distinguishable as it forms tiny rosette-like thalli with superficial soralia. In the past, members of the Candelariella efflorescens agg. were incorrectly reported under the name C. reflexa. They may be mistaken also for epiphytic Caloplaca flavocitrina, whose thallus, however, turns violet in a reaction with KOH.
Literature: Lendemer J. C. & Westberg M. (2010): Candelariella xanthostigmoides in North America. – Opuscula Philolichenum 8: 75–81.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lichinomycetes → Candelariales → Candelariaceae → Candelariella
most frequented synonyms:Candelariella reflexa auct.All records: 935, confirmed 706. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).