Similarly to the related species C. cinnabarinum, it is a rare, hygrophilous and quite thermophilic lichen. It differs in shorter ascospores (≤ 20 μm) and narrower irregularly radially branched apothecia. It grows on a smooth bark of deciduous trees (e.g., hazel, ash and hornbeam) or on firs, in open forests with high air humidity from lowlands to sub-montane zones. In Europe, it is distributed from the Mediterranean to more humid areas of the temperate belt. In the Czech Republic, only a single published historical record is known: from beech and hornbeam near Hradec Králové by Mann (1852). However, it is doubtful (see Servít 1959) and the herbarium material requires revision.
Literature: Mann W. (1825): Lichenum in Bohemia observatorum dispositio succinctaque descriptio. – Pragae, 108 p. Servít M. (1959): Lišejníky Podkrkonoší a sousedního území. – Práce krajského Musea v Hradci Králové, ser. A, 1: 129–158.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Arthoniomycetes → Arthoniales → Arthoniaceae → Coniocarpon
most frequented synonyms:Arthonia elegans, Coniocarpon elegansAll records: 0, confirmed 0. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).